Consider this your monthly check-in with yourself and your community -- the women in your corner, whether you know and love them yet, or are entering this genuinely positive, safe and supportive energy for the first time.
We gather for a Milestone Circle for 90 mins one the thirdMonday evening of each month to take inventory and celebrate ourselves; to honor where we've been over the last 4 weeks and where we're heading in the next.
With Chelsea’s facilitation, it's part celebration of our wins from the past month -- not for their productivity, but for what meaning they hold -- part space-holding for the truths or lessons that found us during that time; and part envisioning what we dream of celebrating next month when we meet again.
When we hang up, we set out to bring those dreams to life, using the Milestone tradition as a measuring stick, accountability structure and in some ways: party where we toast to the YOU that's blooming every month.